
Posts Tagged ‘container plants’

As promised, here are some pictures of my container gardens:

Three pots grouped together

Three pots of asparagus ferns hang from a wrought iron plant holder.

Decorative container with impatiens

A decorative metal basket holds small impatiens.

Fern, coleus, vinca, coleus, petunia, creeping Jenny

The right side container flanks front door.

Fern, coleus, vinca, petunia, creeping Jenny

The left side container. Both sides hold a fern, coleus, vinca, creeping Jenny and petunias

mandevilla, sweet potato vine, black eyed Susan

Sweet potato vine creeps from the pot with a mandevilla starting to climb the deck trellis. Black eyed Susan is also in pot.

pedestal pot

Mandevilla and sweet potato vine fill this pot along with a few “volunteers” growing from years past.

container garden

Gerbera daisy and creeping Jenny are planted in the top container. The bottom one holds dahlias growing from seed.

Vinca vine, snapdragons, yarrow, daylily

This unintentional container garden resulted from needing to move plants out of front landscaping beds in  a hurry  several years ago.


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