
Posts Tagged ‘coffee table’

One of the amazing traits of being a creative person is getting tons of ideas about how to use items in different ways and how to change my spaces. Unfortunately, I can get frustrated when I decide to move a piece of art, furniture, window treatment or other decorative piece out of their original location and to the basement storage area. Luckily, McHubby is a good sport about my creative urges and fully supports my “process”. ; ) I strongly dislike wasting money; so I try to re-purpose when I can.

Recently, I re-purposed a metal art pieces from Kirkland’s into a pot (basket) rack over the kitchen island. I had been using this piece and an identical one back to back to hang from the ceiling as a visual divider between the family room and kitchen. When I switched gears and wanted a more open space between the rooms, I had two metal art pieces to store in the basement. Bummer…

Before I show you how my project turned out, I’ll show a quick survey of other creative ideas for making a pot rack.

A Ladder:

Pot Rack from Found Ladder

An old coffee table:

Pot Rack

An old door:

Creative use of old screen door

A sled:

Pot rack from sled

Here is my interpretation:

Basket rack

Re-purposed Art to Pot Rack

Hmmmmm….what else could be made into a pot rack?


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